In honor of the September 11th Ten Year Anniversary Cynthia Jill Photography be doing FREE mini-sessions for individuals, children, families, friends, pets, and service men & woman who want to show their American Pride on Facebook. The tragedies that occurred on 9/11 hit close to home, both literally and figurately, for those of us in this area. I think it's important to show the rest of the country, and the world for that matter, that those who lived through the terror attacks and survived, those who lost loved ones and our younger generation that we will never forget what happened that day and what American pride is all about.
How it works?
Mini-Sessions Dates: August 20th - September 10th.
*Not all dates will be available. Please contact me to set something up. Because of my other full-time job I can only book up to a week in advance, but will try my best to fit everyone in.
* There will be no Session Fee, however,in lieu of a session fee a donation to a 9/11 related charity of your choice is highly recommended.
Before Your Photoshoot
To book a free mini-session to show your American Pride you can do one of three things.
1. Email me at
2. Message me through my Facebook Photography Page
3. Comment on my Facebook Photography Page letting me know you are interested in booking a session for the "Never Forget: The American Pride Project"
* We will try to work on a first come, first serve basis
* Photos are intended to be posted as your Facebook photo thru the month of September. However, if you would also like to purchase your photo(s) for a small fee you can do that as well.
* If you have any ideas of what you would like to do for your session please let me know so we can discuss it before hand. I am up for pretty much anything!
* I am looking for any sort of Patriotic themed props. If you have anything you want to loan out or donate please let me know! Some prop ideas....
Flags of any varying sizes, pennant banners, blankets/throws, hair accessories, dog clothing/bow ties/hats, signs, backdrops...etc
* I will gladly welcome any location ideas anyone has as well!
* If you would like to donate your time or talent for ads, promotions, making props, or assisting on shoots please let me know!
Your Photography Session:
Locations will vary, but I would like to keep them in the Morris County area. We can try to work indoor shots at my home.
Let me know when you are available and we will work out a date & time. I will also try to pick a specific date(s) of "mini shoot"sessions at one particular location. Details to come on that.
*This will not be a full session. Sessions will last between 15-30 minutes and will only be focused on the "Never Forget American Pride Project" theme. However, if you've already contacted me about booking a shoot prior to this or want to book a full shoot in addition we can do both. Because it is a "mini-session" and because of the subject matter, this session will only yield 1-3 digital images from your session.
After Your Session:
* I will post your photo on my Facebook photography page in the "Never Forget: The American Pride Project" album. You will be tagged in your photo(s) from my Facebook page and can use the photo and make it your new Facebook profile picture from there by clicking on the "Make Profile Picture on Page" button under your photo. Your photo(s) will be tagged with my logo and the "Never Forget Project" logo in the corners. You will not be sent the full resolution image until you purchase the downloadable photo for $10 (fee is for photographer's expenses on props, camera equipment, post processing time and travel fee). Police Officers, Firefighters, and Military Service Men and Women will receive their digital images FREE of charge.
Most importantly! Please pass this on so we can show Facebook and the World that we will never forget those who lost their lives on 9/11 and how proud we are to be Americans.

I Love Comments!