This topic is near & dear to me in a couple of ways. The first being that I have a huge love of animals. Not only do I love booking sessions with furry clients (and their owners) but when I am not working with my photography business, I work with animals... taking care of them while their owners are away. This challenge is also special to me because the picture I entered is not only a photo of my beloved Shelby,a boston terrier/jack russell mix, but also my foster nephew. He's only two years old (well, he will be on 2 on July 1st!), but he's experienced so much heartbreak, difficulties and changes in his short life. I whole heartedly believe that the connection he's formed with my dog has made all of the transitions and difficult circumstances he's been through just a bit easier for him. He absolutely loves Shelby and her adoration for him is returned equally. She is so incredibly good with him. Infact, its almost as if they have a deeper connection than I think any of us could ever understand. When he cries or is upset, Shelby will run to his side to lick his face or she'll run and grab one of her toys and try to engage him in a game of fetch. When he is at my sister's house or just out and about and for whatever reason gets upset, he cries for Shelby. When he is visiting and first walks in to my house, Shelby will usually run around the living room at a million miles an hour, which she seems to know he loves. Its as if her goal in life is to make him smile & laugh. I like to think that this little 20 pound dog has had a huge influence in making this little boy's days brighter. And I think that anyone who's ever seen them together would say the same thing. :)
I know I have posted this photo on my Blog at least once before, but this is the first and only photo that came to mind when I saw this weeks theme.

Head on over to I ♥ Faces ( to see some more adorable photos from this week's challenge!

The look of mischief in his eyes as he pulls the doggie's ear is priceless!
Oh my gosh. That is SO cute. I can't even stand it! Simply ADORABLE : ) What a great image. I loved reading the little story about the connection they share too! Very, very sweet!
Great photo with a great story!
This is just Awesome!!! Love both of their expressions! Great picture!
Just ridiculously cute shot.
So obvious this fur baby loves his human! Cute pic!
I think the title to this one should be "LOVE bears all things....."! What a great capture... right on it with the action and the expressions.
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